Back On Two Wheels...

Nearly six years after we moved to the Midlands I finally decided to rescue my old bike from the shed.

I guess it qualifies as a “classic” by now… a 1994 Marin Muirwoods which I got for my 16th birthday.

Needed a bit of a scrub, and I treated it to a service from John Atkins Cycles in Leamington; the only major work required was a set of new gear shifters and a replacement front tyre, but otherwise it’s in pretty good shape for an 18 y/old bicycle!

First proper ride was a chilly 16 mile loop west of Kenilworth on some of the quieter country roads, heading through Haseley Knob, Berkswell and Balsall Common.

Plan is to gradually replace shorter car journeys with the bike, based on petrol costs of 15p/mile I’ll need to cycle 660 miles to recoup the cost of the service and repairs... that's the equivalent of cycling to Glasgow and back so it might take a while!

I'm using a site called Endomondo to track my distance - hopefully being able to watch the miles build up will help with the motivation!

With the weather being so grim recently I've been a bit slow starting but the miles are building up.  I've separated out riding for "fun" and riding when I'd usually use the car: the latter will be off-set against petrol costs, but all miles are good miles!

And in the end it's not the number of miles that matters... it's about getting out of the car and into in the great outdoors with the wind in my hair.


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